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Can't stop shopping? Here's how you can

Jan 19, 2023

When they're feeling depressed or anxious, so many individuals turn to retail therapy. After all, since they don't currently need to disburse cash, it is simple to utilize a credit card to get temporary respite. It's amusing that they can use online browsing or go from store to store to the point of maxing out their credit cards as an escape from their temporary melancholy or tension. From the outside, it's simple to judge these folks. If you aren't a shopping addict, you may not fully understand what goes through their heads and why they struggle to overcome their addiction.

Yet why do so many people are turning to retail therapy to alleviate their symptoms?

They claim every time you shop, you experience a sense of power over your ability to choose which goods to buy. Whatever goes into your cart or shopping bag when your excursion ends is entirely up to you. Those who turn to retail therapy might believe that they have abandoned control over their lives and that it is a relief to once again have some control over things.

Dopamine is also released by the brain during shopping. When you visit a mall, you notice a ton of attractive and eye-catching items that you wish you could own. Your body produces dopamine, which gives you a positive feeling and encourages continued spending.

Shopping is another way to divert oneself. People who are anxious have an agitated desire to escape from what is generating their tension, just like trying mood enhancers. Shopping can therefore temporarily numb individuals to reality, so they immerse themselves in it until they lose track of what was causing them concern on the get-go. 

People who shop feel more accomplished since it helps them save money. They would stockpile money for their next retail therapy date for themselves because they will eventually want to buy something for short-term comfort. The fact that they can afford the things they desire and think will make them happy gives them a sense of accomplishment.

Of course, it goes without saying that developing a shopping addiction might eventually lead to financial difficulties. Even if they don't have enough money left to pay the credit card bill, they may take loans from others or carry on with their purchasing. They accrue more debt till they are completely in debt.

How therefore might one combat retail therapy? First, the fact that the issue has been acknowledged is beneficial. When you can no longer afford something, you shouldn't buy them excessively. The amount of money you earn each month and how much you will allot to your expenses from that amount should be known to you. Simply said, set a monthly budget and keep track of your spending. Manage your spending before looking for other income streams. 

Don't forget to make informed purchases. Spending should go toward things that will improve the standard of your life. Prioritize what you require while putting the luxury last.

Decluttering is a smart method to get to this life-altering conclusion. Examine everything you own while cleaning your home. Sell any items that are unused or that you have never truly utilized. Give what you can while keeping the things that are important to you. When you are about to store what is left, be sure to manage their storage. Utilize your home's storage spaces, such as the garage or attic, to the fullest. To ensure that you are aware of all you own, return your belongings there with a design layout already in mind.

We've compiled a list of several clever storage options from FlexiMounts to arrange your garage-stored items:


The WR14 is 1'x4' or a 2-pack in size and is wall-mounted. Overall weight capacity is 300 pounds safely. This also claims a hassle-free, one-person installation, like the one discussed above. This contains every piece of hardware required to install the wall shelf.

It also extols the virtues of stability and toughness. The bracket can't fall or bend because of the velcro and buckle construction. This can be mounted in studs or a concrete wall. For this product, there are various devices and two color choices.


Do you require a product with a high weight capacity? The weight limit for this overhead storage rack is 800 pounds. Its dimensions are 4'x8', and because its height can be changed from 22 to 40 inches, it can hold up to 150 cu. of storage space. It has the same recognizable FlexiMounts integrated grid design and is made of cold-rolled steel like the other items. It is also waterproof. With reliable step-by-step instructions and an installation template, it can also be installed quickly. One box containing everything will be delivered to your door. Because it comes with high-quality screws and all of its hardware has passed rigorous quality checks, you won't need to worry if it falls from the ceiling. Be aware that this is compatible with joist spacing of less than or equal to 24”. 


This product has ample vertical support and longer ceiling brackets that is perfect for any homeowner. It will prevent the shelf from falling from the ceiling because it is secured on the wall. Its weight capacity is 600 pounds and the height can be adjusted from 22 to 40 inches. It is made of cold-roll steel that is guaranteed to be of high quality after undergoing rigid tests. This is also a waterproof product that could avoid getting your products damaged by water. It could store seasonal items such as athletic gear you only use for winter or for summer. This comes with an integrated grid design that makes it stand out from others available in the market. If one of your worries is installation, don’t worry because this can be easily installed by following the step-by-step manual and installation template that comes with the product. 

Final Word 

You can gradually assist yourself stop your purchasing addiction when you've sorted all your own. Don't purchase items you already own because you can see in one glance the things that you already have in your possession. There isn't any more room for storage? Stop purchasing. You already own ski equipment that is still functional. Stop making upgrades. From this point forward, make prudent decisions to avoid piling up a lot of debt.

You can always ask for help if you are feeling at a loss.