You are trying your hand in tennis and are now interested to learn every nook and cranny of the sport. You watch hours of tennis on television. You stalk tennis greats such as Roger Federer and Serena Williams. You make a checklist of everything you need, from what you’ll wear to what tennis racquet you will be using. You count the days to your first scheduled tennis match, the date your friends agreed to finally play tennis with you. You are obviously excited. You know the rules of the game but you haven’t played it for you to be sure that you don’t just know the theories; you could actually apply them and eventually be good at the sport. There are things you have to learn about tennis and we’ve provided some information in today’s article. If you know this already, consider this as a refresher course. If not yet, then good so you could come to learn with us!First off is the tennis court layout and its dimensions. Know that a tennis court is 78 feet long, 38 feet wide for doubles, and 27 feet wide for singles. A net is placed at the center, splitting the court into half: 3 feet six inches for each side and 3 feet at the center. The baseline is the boundary that is parallel to the net and marks where the court ends on each side. The center mark provides a guide to players when they are serving the ball; it’s located at the center of the baseline. When you are faced with the net, you call the outermost left and right boundaries of the court as the doubles sideline. The single sidelines refer to the court’s inner left and right boundaries when you’re in front of the net. Afterward, we have a doubles alley that is only used for a doubles match. It’s what’s in between the singles sideline and the doubles sideline. We have the service line that is parallel to the net and the baseline that creates the service boxes. The service boxes are formed by the service line and the center service line where the serves are made by a player. The center service line is the opposite of the service line which is perpendicular to it and the net. We call the right side of the court from the net, the duece court while the left side of the court is the ad court. You don’t want to be standing at the no man’s land for too long, the space between the service line and the baseline.The next thing to know about tennis is of course the rules. You don’t get to know the rules simply by watching a tennis match. Sometimes you have to really read the technicalities to have a full understanding of the game.So basically, in tennis, there are two events: singles and doubles. In singles, each player would occupy their side of the net in court. In doubles, two players would occupy each side of the net in court. Determining who will go first is simply called by flipping a coin. Sometimes, they spin a racquet and the person who wins the bet will choose if they want to start the game by serving first or receiving the services from their opponent. If for example, they chose the option to serve first, the opponent will be given the chance to choose which side of the court they want to receive the serve.The server will stand behind the baseline, either to the right or left side of the service mark. He or she is given two times to diagonally hit the ball into the service box to reach the other player. If the first try does not reach the service box, it would be labeled as a “fault.” If the second serve is another miss, then it would be called a “double fault.” The point is lost.If the scenario is positive and it lands in the service box, the receiver must be able to catch the ball, hitting it to return to the opponent's side. If the receiver fails to catch the ball, then the server would get the point and it will be called an ace.In tennis, you get a point each time the ball reaches the other side of the court and it is not returned. The ball is again on the opponent’s side and bounces twice. And you get a point as well if your opponent commits a double fault. There are also instances that you lose a point such as when your outfit touches the net. You anticipate the ball too early and hit it before it’s even on your side. You also lose a point if you just look at the ball and don’t touch it until it reaches the side of your opponent.Warm-ups are important before each game but must only be five to ten minutes. Its aim is to give you a feel of the ball before the tennis match starts.If you hit any lines that are part of the court, then congratulations! As a player, you would also be observing if a shot is in or out of your side when the opponent throws it at you. But professional tennis matches hire umpires and linespeople to call out if the shots are inside or outside the court.If for example, you are doing your serve, whether it be the first or the second, all you need to get a chance to serve again is for the ball to hit the top edge of the net and reach the correct service box. If for example, a rouge ball finds its way into your side of the court, the “let” is still called a play, even if the interruption was not intended.Avoid the baseline or extension of the service mark when you are making a serve. You will be called out for a penalty referred to as the foot fault. It’s comparable to a missed serve even though the ball doesn’t eventually end up landing in the correct service box.We hope you have the most fun playing tennis! To prolong the life of your racquet, make sure to store it properly in your garage by having the optimum space for it. Install smart storage solutions from FlexiMounts so that your garage is neat, tidy, and organized enough to fit all your hobbies.