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How to Become a Dancer

Jan 30, 2023

I see, so you desire to become a dancer.

You’ve likely been seeing a lot of cool youngsters at school perform to the enjoyment of a crowd. When you came home, you looked up dance videos online because you were so impressed by their poise, swagger, and confidence. Soon after, dance videos are everywhere—in search results, suggested videos, and social media reels.

Or perhaps you're a great fan of K-pop or hip-hop artists. You can watch their live performances and music videos in addition to listening to their tunes. At that point, you felt inspired to join them in their dance. You wanted to dance along as well because it appeared to be so much pleasure to do the dance moves.

Or perhaps you enjoy attending parties and dancing when intoxicated. You ponder what it might be like to actually be skilled at dancing. Alternatively, to confidently dance without the use of alcohol.

Or you most certainly become addicted to Tiktok and spent hours scrolling through only dancing videos. You're amazed by the dancers there and wish to imitate their movements.

Whatever your motivation for wishing to dance, the issue appears to be a significant obstacle. Your entire body is weird. Whatever you do, you just appear like such a joking matter that you don’t wish for anyone to see you dance. 

You may even level up with K-pop choreography after doing all these Tiktok dances on your own, but every time you view the dance video that follows, all you can do is squirm.

You ponder your first motivation for wanting to dance. If you didn't already know, dancing is a practice of mindfulness. You must maintain concentration while performing the choreography in order to follow the steps more swiftly and easily. Your body should be your only focus as you let your thoughts drift away and let it move naturally toward their own beat. As previously said, dancing is an activity. Depending on the style of dance you are doing, you may classify it as either an exercise or an activity that targets a particular body component. Your heart rate will increase, facilitating healthy blood flow. It improves your mood and calms your stressed-out mind. Dancing isn't about making other people like you because if that were your goal, you may easily give up dancing as a hobby if they didn't like your dance the first time they watch you. Being in one with your body and mind while letting go while dancing to the beat of your own drum is more important than actual dancing.

The secret is to begin at home if you're genuinely shy but aspire to know the basics of dance. If you want some privacy, you can do this in a remote location. The issue is that there isn't another place in the house where you can practice dancing if your bedroom is full or you share it with your sister. Until you realize that the garage has a lot of room that is occupied with clutter. You politely ask your parents if you may tidy up so you can possibly practice there in peace. Install clever storage options, like as wall shelves and overhead storage racks, to make the most of the available space for both storage and the family car and your numerous hobbies. Here's how to get started with at-home dancing training.

1. Select a dance genre. 

Dancers have distinct styles much as singers do. Before starting to dance, you must make a choice. Hip-hop, ballet, jazz, ballroom, and interpretive dancing are a few popular dance genres. It's crucial that you've previously chosen the type of dancing you wish to practice. You'll discover the fashion that actually speaks to you along the journey.

2. Select the method or routine you want to start with.

Before moving on to more difficult choreography, you need to be familiar with fundamental techniques or only one dance. Even though you are already old, you must practice diligently to develop strength, endurance, and talent if you want to become a trained dancer. According to a Red Bull article, these are movements that are foundational and must be mastered.

3. Seek out dance instruction.

Since you are attempting to dance independently, your main resource will probably be a video. Be careful to follow their every move so you can do so with few to no errors. In addition to dance videos, several content producers also publish dance instructions that include proper counting so that you are led appropriately. Additionally, some programs or producers provide lessons. You can schedule them for private lessons with online and in-person dancing instructors if you don't want anyone to see you. 

4. Allot time for a warm-up drill. 

Remind yourself to warm up. Because they are weary or not in the mood, a great deal of people simply forget to do so or are unwilling to complete a brief one. Even in the latter case, warming up prior to a dance session is crucial. Jog stationarily to raise your heart rate. Stretch by touching your toes or opening your hips. Exercises that urge you to extend or stretch your muscles are advisable because dancing requires flexibility.

5. Continue learning the lesson.

Imagine that you are on your own in your garage so there is no other pair of eyes looking at you. Just savor the endorphin rush while you dance your heart out. As you please, follow the choreography. The objective is to complete correctly rather than early because this is not a race. To be able to play, pause, or stop the video at any moment, make sure your device is easily accessible. Allow your body to perform it repeatedly until it becomes exhausted while being gentle with yourself in case it's taking time for you to master the choreography. 

6. Practice is the final step.

Ignore the doubters and your own inner critic. You're dancing because you intend to enjoy it and because it will take 10,000 practice sessions for you to become excellent. Laugh and resist the urge to give up. Simply keep practicing, and you'll ultimately master it. Make a video of yourself so you can see your progress since you first began to dance and see how far you've gone.