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7 Hot Items that Sell in Garage Sales this 2022

Apr 18, 2022
We know what you’re thinking. Do yard or garage sales still sell this 2022? We’ve seen so many old things sold on social media and with the COVID-19 pandemic, people aren’t so keen on buying old stuff on the streets, especially since most opt to stay at home rather than wander around. Well, news flash, yard sales are here to stay. They cater to a niche market anyway and there will always be people living in a neighborhood who will pass by someone’s house and see that a yard sale is happening. This is where the items you’re selling will tell how much of a success your garage or yard sale will be. People have become more discerning as to what they will buy in this kind of sales, or consume in general. So you better get your game going by selling the right items that will make you money. And oh before we list down some of the bestselling items in a garage sale, we’d like to remind you that COVID-19 is still very much around us. Although people can frolic now like they used to, have been vaccinated against the virus, and have gotten rid of face masks, you can assure your buyers that your yard sale is not a breeding ground for the virus by still strictly implementing health protocols. Have alcohol stations available in your area. Make sure all your items are properly disinfected. Control the number of people allowed to check out the items at a time. Payment should be placed on a tray and if you can, encourage cashless transactions. You can ask family members to man a particular section and give each of them a change. This will help not create big lines. Place your tables and items apart so that people can shop without being too close to one another. Wear a face mask and a smile underneath it because you’re about to have one of the best garage sales ever. So what’s the key to a successful yard sale? One thing is you should know your customers and why they are buying secondhand in the first place. They are most likely looking for items they would want to buy in-store but opt to buy secondhand so that they could save some bucks.
1. Clothes
Some people would opt to buy secondhand clothes for their children because they will eventually outgrow them and won’t be able to use them anymore at a later age. Scour through your children’s closets and see what is still intact that you can sell. Other than clothes for children, look at your own closet and get rid of those you can’t wear anymore but can still pass off good as new. They might find new wardrobes to take shelter in. From experience, we’ve noticed that boy’s clothes sell more in garage sales.
2. Entertainment Tools
If your family used to be big on board games and haven’t been using them for quite a while, there’s no better time to sell them than now. Since people are looking for ways to entertain themselves while at home, they will most likely be on the lookout for board games and puzzles that they can buy at a lower price. You can also add video games and gaming systems. Demand is high so they are being sold at a much higher price in the market. You can enter it by selling yours at a lower value of course than if they buy a new one.
3. Books
As we’ve established, people are looking for activities to do at home. One of these is nourishing the mind through reading. Look at your personal library at home. It’s now time to sell those that you have read and don’t think of reading again. It’s time to get rid of those you haven’t read ever and are just taking up space on your bookshelf. You’ll have space for new books, you’ll earn extra cash and you’re passing on the knowledge! The price range for books usually falls from $3 to $5. If you want to really get rid of some titles, you could opt to sell them at less than $1, especially if the particular title can be found everywhere.
4. Sports Gear and Equipment
The demand for sports gear is also high these days so again, it’s right about the time you get rid of sports equipment you haven’t been using for quite some time. You can put them at a higher price point and earn much more than usual. You’ll be freeing space up in your garage too for new equipment.
5. Garage Power Tools
The pandemic has pushed people to have new hobbies. Most have been using their garages more so take advantage of the demand by selling tools in your garage that you aren’t using anymore. You may sell tools for woodworking, maintaining the yard, gardening, etc. Trimmers, lawnmowers, blowers, and the like would give you a lot of extra cash especially if they are still in good condition.
6. Antiques
People still go to garage and yard sales because they want to find something unique. Antiques are still a hit, and dare we say forever will be in this type of sales. Sell the antiques you are ready to let go of and let them be in houses where they will be more appreciated. Broken antiques also sell so don’t be shy to put them up on your table.
7. Outdoor Furniture
A lot of the focus for homeowners these past few years is having good-looking backyards and gardens. They would most likely be on the hunt for picnic tables, lawn chairs, or any outdoor furniture that will make their backyards the center of attention. These also provide new activities for them to do while not leaving their homes. If you have a set for sale, do not separate them because you can sell them all at the same time to one lucky customer. We wish you the best of luck in your next garage sale! It’s a great way to free up space in your garage and finally upgrade it. It’s about time that you install smart storage solutions such as overhead storage racks and wall shelves from FlexiMounts so that you will have a lot of space in your garage for your many activities this spring season.