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Useful Tips for Beginner Surfers

Apr 01, 2022
You’ve probably seen surfing videos and photos everywhere. A lot of people want to try surfing at some point in their lives—booking sessions when going to surfing spots. Some get hooked to the point that they want to take it up as a sport, more than just a tourist activity. There are many ways to enjoy surfing as a beginner involving using the proper surfboard, showing respect to the locals, and surfing only at the spots for their ability level.
Rules for Beginner Surfers
So for starters, surf only at spots for beginners. Allot at least 30 minutes to observe the other surfers, where they are paddling, the spot where the waves break, and how skilled are the surfers in that particular area. This is how you ensure yourself that you could surf through those waves. Of course, remember that you are there as a tourist. Don’t get in the way of locals and be respectful when interacting with them. Don’t yell and always address them politely. There are also rules you have to follow in surfing. The general rule is that for every wave, it is ideal for one person only. You will get the right of way when you are closer to where the wave breaks. For instance, if the wave breaks on your left side and another person is on your left, you give them the right of way. Stop paddling and wait for another wave. But if you notice that the wave is breaking out in two directions, you can each have your own. When you’re going to paddle out, stay out of the way of other surfers. Paddle out where the waves don’t break and not through the surf. This will save your energy and keep you and your fellow surfers safe and protected from unwanted injuries. If you see that someone went through a wave that is going towards your direction, just simply paddle out the other way. Never let go of your board under any circumstances.
Where Beginners Should Surf
For your surfing experience as a beginner to be completely enjoyable, surfing at the right spot is crucial. An ideal area for beginners is where the waves slowly over a bottom that’s sandy and semi-shallow. The water should be waist to chest-deep. Most people think they need waves that perfectly peel when they surf. But if you’re just a beginner surfer, you don’t necessarily need this kind of wave. What you have to hunt for is whitewater that is knee-high. Go for a spot where people are learning how to surf like you are. It’s of course ideal as well to hunt for an area where there are few people—maybe you could also look at the day of the week so that you will surf at a time when people are not out. You’ll get a lot of practice when there are fewer players on the battlefield. You can already get half of the work done by doing an online search before heading to the beach. There are many surf schools online as well as reviews of other tourists and beginners that you might get an input from.
What Surfboard to Use
If it’s your first time ever surfing, do it on a big board. Shortboards might look cool, and at some point in time trendy, but they don’t have the volume and length that will help the rider improve their surfing skills. Even if you have to start on a longboard that’s ten feet and has a soft top, don’t be ashamed especially if you want to learn to paddle and graduate eventually to a better board. You will get your practice and be more at ease with the waves of the ocean. You could move on to a stronger board when you have more skills. Here are the boards you could choose from:
If you want to go nose riding or you’re a classic surfer, a longboard is the best tool for that. The general length falls from nine feet and above. Longboards use one fin (for classic surfers) or three fins (for high-performing longboarders).
A shortboard is around six and a half feet. There are other boards that are shorter. They have little volume and most of the time only have three fins. These boards are designed for high-performing surfers who turn more quickly and still retain a fast speed in huge waves.
Mini Tanker, Funboard, Egg, Mini Mal, Bonzer, Fish
These are shortboards that range from five to eight feet. They have more volume than shortboards which makes it easier for paddling in waves that are small. They are easy to maneuver compared to a longboard.
If you love to go on big waves, the gun is the board for you. The standard length is seven feet and above.
Other Surfing Equipment
You need only a few tools when surfing. Aside from your board, there are three other things that you need: a swimsuit, leash, and wax. You might opt to use a rash guard for more sun protection or a wetsuit if it’s cold. There are many guides online that you could check out so you will be able to pick the best wetsuit. You also need a leash that is as long as your board. Put the lash on your back ankle. Lastly, you also need to have wax so that you won’t slip from the board. The area that you should cover the most is where you will stand. Prolong the life of your equipment by taking care of it including having the proper storage for your surfboard. You would most likely store it in your garage so that you also have quicker and easier access when you’re about to surf. Install smart storage solutions such as wall shelves and overhead storage racks to maximize the space in your garage. You may also use hooks from FlexiMounts to extend the storage capacity. We hope you have the most fun surfing! Let go and have fun with the waves!