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Solutions to Common Problems in Cycling

Jul 26, 2022
Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned cyclist, the same problems persist when involved in the activity of cycling. Some do not recognize them immediately and just brush them off, thinking that it is normal; they will go away eventually. Not until the problems become severe, only then that we take notice and begin to take action. Other times, as newbies, we are not properly guided as to which ones are deemed as normal, and those that should be taken as a warning. So, it is important that you have a support group or cycling club with members who are seasoned cyclists and experts. If you currently do not have that support system, we advise that you join groups in your area. There are a number of groups that are formed online and meet every arranged joint ride. You can also ask a friend who may happen to have a friend who is into cycling as well. Most likely, he is already a part of a group and can introduce you to other cyclists. But for starters, it is good to know the most common problems every cyclist faces. This is your way of taking care of your body and to enjoy cycling as a hobby or as a sport to a maximum.
Combat health-related problems
Cycling is a good form of exercise, especially for cardio. It helps maintain your weight and boosts your overall health–physically and mentally. However, as in every other sport or physical activity, there is proper form and right way of doing things. If done incorrectly, your safety will be affected negatively. A study published by the African Journal of Health Professions Education states that about half of the 80 million cyclists in the U.S. suffer from neck problems, 42 percent injure their knees, 36 percent hurt their buttocks and groin, and 31 percent hurt their backs, and 31 percent damage their hands. Causes of which are due to recurrent movements in cycling or sudden falling off a bike. Another known cause is riding at full or high speed. When the speed is not controlled, it will result in a collision against a hard surface or another speeding vehicle, which may result in varying degrees of injuries, from slight scratch to musculoskeletal trauma or even head trauma. Aside from practicing carefulness while riding, there are a number of ways to prevent such untoward incidents. To start off, wear appropriate cycling gears–helmet, knee pads, proper footwear, and other protective gears. Practice proper posture when riding comes in second. Improper form is most likely the reason behind the pains you feel after a long ride. Another measure is to always fit the bike you will be using. Make sure that every part of it feels right and comfortable. And before you head on to your bike ride, make it a habit to check the brakes, saddles, and pedals. You should also never forget to do warm-up and cool-down exercises and stretches before and after every ride. If not, get ready to feel knee pains, muscle tightness, and foot numbness. A good stretch will shoo away muscle strains. A massage can also help relax the muscles. A kinesiology tape can also help with taking care of your muscles before riding a bike.
Practice road safety measures
The rule of thumb is to always treat all drivers as bad drivers. Exercise caution against those who are hostile or distracted, texters, speeders, and plainly have no respect on the road. When you put your mindset as that, we are already one step ahead of taking care of ourselves when sharing the road with other cyclists and motorists. The rules are also applied to ourselves. Make sure to be adept with road signs and signals. Be courteous on the road. It also helps if you wear reflective items such as jackets, decals, and neon bags. Also gear up on your bikes by sticking reflective stickers and attaching lumen lights. Aside from that, make it a protocol to check the condition of your bicycle unit. Is the air in your tires enough? Are the breaks functioning well? Are the pedals not slippery? Have a checklist before hopping on your bike.
Maintain your bike
We already know that we should have our bikes checked for maintenance every once in a while to make sure that all parts are functioning well. But if you do not properly store your units when not in use, then these maintenance checks are for naught. As a responsible cyclist, one must also invest in durable bike racks and proper storage. Optimize the garage storage by utilizing the Fleximounts BR1 Hanger Wall Mounted Bike Rack. Storing your bikes in a vertical position frees up valuable floor space, which you can practically use for your cars or other storage needs. Aside from that, it also provides easy access to mount and dismount each bike. Thus, you can save your energy for the cycling activity of the day! The wall mount bike rack uses only high-quality materials--powder-coated, cold-rolled steel--to ensure durability, rust-resistance, chipping, and cracking. The rack has options to carry one bike, four bikes, or six bikes. The six-bike stand can hold up to 300 lbs or 136 kg. They are heavy-duty and long-lasting can withstand years, and are dependable for load-bearing performance. It is perfect for cyclists who will take this lifestyle for a very long time. And of course, as you venture into cycling, a high chance would be to buy more bicycles that fit a particular activity. So this could mean the need for more storage space and durable storage racks. The J-shaped hooks are easy to use as they fit perfectly to the curvature of your bike hubs, thus, providing a firm grip to secure the bicycles in their proper position. You need not worry about the hooks coming off the hanging bikes because each hook is mounted securely. And the good thing also is that the premium bike hooks are wrapped with thick sponge foam tubing, which prevents aging and cracking and offers better protection for your bike's wheels, hubs, and spokes. The hooks can easily be re-positioned anywhere on the rack to suit different bicycle sizes as storage needs change. The bike wall mount hanger fits most bicycles (within the 2.56-in range in diameter), including mountain bikes, road bikes, and kids bikes. But this excludes wide-tire bikes.