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Skiing Tips for Beginners (Part 2)

Dec 15, 2021
You are probably here because you’re going on your first ever ski trip. You’re excited yet nervous because it’s going to be your first time, as anyone is when they’re about to try something thrilling and unfamiliar. To calm you down, you search for tips on the Internet on how a first-time skier like you could enjoy the snow action without getting into an accident. You think about your mates who are dragging you on this trip and how you don’t wait to spoil their fun. Relax. It’s perfectly normal to feel unsettled but it shouldn’t get in the way of your fun. As they say, to have fun skiing and be good at it eventually, the secret sauce is–drum roll, please–to just do it! There’s really no other way to go about it but to face your fear head-on. In case you missed the first part of this article, we tackled the appropriate dress code (warm and high-quality outdoor wear), the complete protective gear (goggles and helmet), the right ski resort, renting equipment, and signing up for class. We also touched a bit on the storage of your ski equipment so that it would last you for years. Mind you, skiing is most expensive because of the gear you use so you’d really want to take good care of it once you buy your own. Make sure you declutter your garage and use ceiling and wall space as much as possible so that you keep items off the floor. Since skiing is not a whole year activity, you might want to consider using a ceiling type of storage solution for it such as the FlexiMounts Overhead Garage Storage Rack GR Series. It’s perfect for athletic equipment because it’s waterproof, heavy-duty, made of cold-roll steel, and could hold up to 600 pounds. Strap your skis together, lay them down on the side, and put them inside a ski pole bag before you tuck it in the overhead storage rack. Now that you’re good to go and have your first class with an instructor, here are some more tips for a worry-free and fun skiing experience:
1. Do not use the poles just yet.
Yes, the videos of skiers going down slopes with the skiing poles look too cool and you want to try it for yourself. But that trek is already for the pros or those who have been coming back and forth for ski trips. Since this is your first time, listen to your instructor and leave the poles behind. They would most likely impede your learning curve so best to listen to what the experts say.
2. Go for an all-in, full package.
If you want to score a major deal, choose the whole package offered by your ski resort. This means it should include the rental of your equipment, the actual lessons and the tickets to the lift. You can save big time for beginner activities like this. If you buy days in advance, this would probably cost much lower than the deal you got just now. Do your research and ask your ski resort if they have a special rate for newbies like you.
3. Bend the knees.
You are nervous so most likely, your knees will lock up and your whole body will be stiff. But if you do this, you will lose your balance. Relax. Breathe. Release the tension and bend those knees. This would allow you to go over bumps, pass curves and navigate through the snow in a smooth, and fluid motion.
4. Do the “pizza formation.”
In skiing lingo, this means you will align your skis in the shape of a pizza meaning your toes will be slightly pointing inwards so that you won’t go too fast to the point that you won’t be able to control your skis. This form is not only used to control your speed but also to stop movement completely. Mastering this is an important skill to learn in skiing.
5. Always look forward.
Beginners always make the mistake of looking down on their feet, instead of looking up and away. Focus your eyes on the destination so that you won’t bump into anything or anyone. Looking forward would also help you balance. This is an important safety reminder.
6. Choose smooth and easy slopes as your first trail.
For your first time and the few times after it, you need to practice skills such as turning and stopping even before you go on harder slopes. Practice on easy trails first so that you’ll be able to do jumps and drops like an exhibitionist in no time. It’s also safer if you do the easy trails first. Build confidence in your skills before moving on to the next level.
7. Allow yourself to fall.
If you’re scared about falling, news flash, you’re gonna fall. Don’t fret about it. Normally, you might fall on your side or even face flat on the snow. But just like in life, the important thing is to go up again and rely on that confidence so you could continue improving in this sport.
8. Take breaks and don’t forget to drink water.
Make sure to take breaks or else, you’ll get exhausted quickly. Even though you would probably not sweat that much because it’s cold, taking breaks and drinking water is a must. Skiing is an exercise so make sure you drink water often.
9. Learn to control your speed.
It’s easy to go fast but it’s difficult to go slow. You have to master the skill of controlling and regulating your speed. You must know how it feels to ski on all speed levels. Skills like going through curves and using the pizza formation to slow down and stop are necessary for you to ace.
10. Mastery takes practice.
As the famous adage goes, “Practice makes perfect.” You won’t be great at skiing overnight but if you practice as long as you need to, you’ll eventually reach that mastery level you have been aiming for. So just be patient with yourself, enjoy the process, and don’t give up!