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Organic Farming in the Garage: What You Need to Know

Dec 06, 2022

Is it possible to prepare farm-to-table food in your garage? Without a doubt, we want everything organic and fresh in our meals!

A question that is frequently posed at home day in and day out is “What is for supper?” Grilled fish was consumed yesterday. We ate ramen noodles the other night. We got takeaway Chinese four nights ago. We could notice a repetition if we detail the menu for the previous week.

For many of us, it has become laborious to even decide what to prepare. If we don't want to cook or just don't have the time, we may order. But if we had the pleasure of being able to gather the ingredients from our own dwellings, it wouldn't be so difficult.

And now that the COVID-19 pandemic has spread over the world and slowed down activity outside of our houses, we are encouraged to stay inside to avoid catching the virus and spreading it to others. We will be less exposed to the elements if we can pick our vegetables inside. Our diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. So the entire family may benefit from indoor farming.

What does "farm-to-table" mean?

Producing organic food practically outside of your home is where the concept of farm-to-table came from. As a general guideline, it involves buying organic food that is located within 100 miles of your house.

Why then does farm-to-table benefit us SO MUCH? It is also by definition a product that was grown naturally. As a result, it is more affordable, safe, and hygienic.

It is sustainable food because it ensures that the environment, including humans, animals, plants, and lands, are protected throughout food production. It is far from the industrialized and processed foods that contaminate the air and water, erode the land, and employ artificial and synthetic pesticides that, as we all know and have been supported by research, have long-lasting negative impacts on humans. Additionally, to meet the high demand and huge export batches, the majority of processed products are genetically engineered. Healthy ecosystems may thrive because sustainable foods steer clear of harmful substances.

Foods grown locally are unquestionably less expensive than items purchased at the supermarket. Why I hear you ask? The reason for this is that when the food is harvested, it is immediately sent to homes and local marketplaces for farmers. Rent and other administrative costs have already been subtracted from the pricing. Naturally, it is far less expensive if you grow your own veggies. However, helping your local farmers might provide them with the morale boost and financial assistance they need.

Fresh food and a healthy diet are guaranteed through farm-to-table. This is filled with a great deal of nutrition! It lowers our chance of contracting illnesses brought on by our diet and the stuff we eat. When gathered just before being consumed in your kitchen, fruits and vegetables retain higher amounts of nutrients and have superior flavor.

Produce may lose important nutrients throughout the prolonged transit and storage processes. To make up for the travel time and to ensure that the produce still looks attractive and freshly selected when it reaches the shelves, the majority of fruits and vegetables are chosen before they are fully ripe. Additionally, the products we see in the grocery go through preservation by adding chemicals. The carbon footprint and fossil fuels that the food industry uses are decreased by purchasing locally (or even home-produced) items.

Is it possible to cultivate veggies in your garage?

One should be skeptical if you grow your own food in your garage. For example, isn't the garage often used for filthy, labor-intensive tasks? Okay, listen to what we have to say. Nowadays, it should be accepted as the norm to adopt green practices. Keeping yourself and your surroundings clean is the most important lesson the pandemic has taught us. Naturally, it's also important to look after your health and safeguard against uninvited viruses that are still present in our bodies and the environment.

Okay, let's get this out of the way: sure, you can grow veggies in your garage! However, you must first have a lot of patience. It's not simple to plant and cultivate veggies, especially if you're a novice. It takes persistence to water the plants, watch for the first sprout, and finally gather your first leaf or fruit.

Initially, plant three to five crops.

Given the wide variety of seeds available on the market, it is easy to become undecided and overwhelmed. So why not begin with three or five instead? You may want to think about planting popular veggies and herbs like pepper, onion, carrot, tomato, ginger, cabbage, mushroom, kale, mint, thyme, oregano, basil, parsley, and rosemary. These veggies and herbs are among the simpler varieties to cultivate and maintain.

Due to their low light requirements, mushrooms and herbs are ideal for storage in the garage. For instance, damp and dark places are necessary for mushrooms. You may place them in a rectangular pot and set it on the wall shelves or overhead garage storage racks that Fleximounts provides. Your food garden may be supported by them as they are very strong.

With the aid of Fleximounts' wall shelves and garage hooks, other veggies that require sunshine can be planted nearby or hung on windows.

Get your garage ready.

To start, decide how much room you'll need. Are you in need of a large place, or would a smaller one be just fine? Ensure that your vegetable garden is constantly maintained clean and away from harmful elements if you must store other items in the garage. To grow nutritious veggies that you would also eat, you must create a favorable atmosphere for them. Keep your options open like storing them in overhead storage racks. As a result, especially if you have pets, your dog won't be able to get to them. And you know all too well how much dogs like playing in the dirt!

Next, determine the light source. Vegetables require a sufficient light source in order to grow efficiently and quickly. If there is still room, position them beside the garage window. Another excellent choice is outside the garage walls. If you don't have a room that receives direct sunshine, an artificial light source will work just as well. Your greatest option is going to be a fluorescent light fixture, along with incandescent and halogen light fixtures.

Always examine the ideal temperature for each type of crop. And do a thorough study on the most effective ways to water crops.

Savor your harvest.

It's now possible for you to gather your own culinary ingredients at home! Fresh and organic salad for lunch and supper? That would be fantastic for us!