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How to Grow Your Glutes

Mar 01, 2022
You will come across many glute exercises in different fitness programs. For people who want to have bigger butts, there are many suggestions from the fitness community on how you could do so. It’s not only about the appearance of the glutes; it’s also about the strength and power that you could get in proper glue training. In case you don’t know, the Gluteus Maximus, part of your glutes, is our largest muscle and it helps you go about your daily activities as well as help you in becoming an athlete if that is your goal. These muscles help you do just about anything—walking, sitting, jumping, and running. It is composed of three separate muscles namely the Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, and Gluteus Minimus. These parts make up the glutes that help you rotate your hip and extend it, make yourself stable, and help you stand upright with good posture and climb stairs. We all have different body types which mean the shape and size of the glutes vary. There are also beauty standards that we adhere to and most people want their glutes to be bigger in size. If this is the case, then there are many exercises that you could do to boost the growth of this muscle. What is the key to glute development? You have to add weights or resistance to the hip extension movements. And because you need a hip extension in many different sports, developing your glutes also serves another function other than aesthetic: superior athletic ability. For example, if your glutes have more power, you will be able to cover more distance in less time when you are sprinting. You are able to extend your hips in each stride and take your next step immediately. Another example from Gym Shark is that during an Olympic game of snatch, you need to execute explosive hip extensions which, of course, require strong glutes. We listed down some basic and advanced glute exercises for you to try at the gym or even at home in your garage.
1. Glute Bridge
All you need is a yoga mat stretched out on the floor. Lie down on your back, bend your knees and make sure your feet are hip-width apart. Your hands should be by your side with your palms down. Tighten your abdominal muscles and glutes then raise your hips and hold the pose. Do it multiple times. This will give you stronger glute muscles, hamstrings, and core definition. You may also add weight for more resistance. Hold a dumbbell below your tummy and lift the weight using your hips.
2. Hip Thrusts
Fitness enthusiasts and experts would say this is one of the best exercises if you are looking to grow your glutes. Your Gluteus Maximus is activated in this exercise compared to others such as the split or back squats. How do you do it? Get a bench and let your lower back lean on the side of the bench Put your arms on both sides and bend your knees. Your feet should be planted on the floor, hip-width apart. Tighten your core and glutes then raise your hips and hold the pose. Do it multiple times. For more impact, do this exercise while holding a barbell. The weight of the barbell should be lifted by your hips. This exercise targets your glutes and improves their speed, power, and strength.
3. Back Squats
Your lower body training program won’t be complete without back squats. It’s a full-body workout that engages your core, quads, and hamstrings while adding mass to your glutes. This is what we call a compound movement. Stand up and keep a hip-width distance with your feet. Lean your body to the front and then bend your knees before returning to the standing position. Your back should be straight and your core muscles and glutes tightened. Hold a barbell at your back for more resistance. Avoid injuries by making sure you are doing this exercise with the correct form. Ask a trainer to check if you are doing it correctly before doing multiple sets.
4. Weighted walking lunges
Get a pair of dumbbells and hold one in each hand. Keep your arms to your side and stand with your feet in hip-width distance. Step forward with one foot, bending your kneel until it’s parallel to the floor. Hold this position before taking another step forward with your other leg left at the back. Do another lunge until you’ve done about 10 repetitions in each leg. Make sure you’re carrying a weight that is just right for you. Do not go heavy yet if you are just starting to get into fitness; you would eventually be carrying heavier weights if you maintain a consistent workout routine.
5. Single-leg deadlift
Target your glutes and hamstrings with this intermediate to advanced move. According to Healthline, it will challenge your balance and core stability. What you will do is to grab a pair of dumbbells, each in one hand. Your hands should be in front of your thighs. Slightly bend your knee in one leg and give your body weight on this side. Make sure that your core muscles are engaged. Hinge at your hip as the dumbbell in your hand drops down in front of you with your palms facing each other. The torso will lean towards the ground until your back and your other leg is aligned in a straight line. The foot that carries your weight should not move. Do as many reps as you can before moving on to the other side.
6. Bulgarian Split Squats
No pain, no gain. This move may be absolute torture but it gets the work done. According to Gym Shark, it is a unilateral exercise where your rear leg is elevated which puts stress on your leg at the front. What you need to do is get a bench and a pair of dumbbells. One foot should be at the bench while another foot is in front of you. Bend your knees close to the floor holding dumbbells in each of your hands. Do these multiple times and on each leg. Good form is essential to this exercise. You may do these exercises at the gym or at home. At home, you may set up a fitness area in your garage where racks could store and organize your dumbbells. Make sure there is enough floor space by installing smart storage solutions such as overhead storage racks or wall shelves from FlexiMounts.