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How to Deal with an OCD Condition

Jan 18, 2023

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is diagnosed in 1 in 40 adults and 1 in 100 children, according to the World Health Organization. 

Numerous comedies include characters who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. These characters are made fun of for having obsessive habits such as washing their faces repeatedly, making sure objects are stored in a particular spot and a host of other repetitive behaviors. OCD is not a laughing matter, even if we have to get up out of our seats from laughing so hard.

For persons with OCD, these sporadic fits of obsession are excruciating even though they may look funny to the general public. Not only the diagnosed sufferer but also others close to them, suffer.

A person with OCD might have many different faces. People with this mental disease experience it in varying degrees, with their OCD manifesting as a variety of compulsions and obsessions. Obsessive urges, thoughts, or pictures afflict these people and keep coming back to their brains. They believe they are powerless over their obsessive ideas and themselves. As a result, those who have OCD are always afraid, uneasy, and/or disgusted. A person with OCD may experience anxiety as a result of thoughts that are intrusive.

What then are compulsions? People who are compelled by their ideas and feelings turn to compulsions to help them deal with their obsession. As an example, there is a particular arrangement for the items on Angel's desk. Angel would swiftly make any necessary adjustments to ensure that everything was set up exactly as she had left it the day before she departed for home. The truth is that compulsions are very much like obsessions and that they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. 

Individual solutions and coping techniques must be taken into account for OCD patients' comfort during treatment. Since every patient is unique and every case of OCD displays differently, every patient should receive treatment that is specifically designed for them. But even though it should be very personalized, there are general coping mechanisms that can be used by those who have OCD. Here are a few of these:

Do not regard OCD as an unwelcome guest; instead, welcome it. 

It's comparable to having monsters inside your head, but that doesn't mean you can't defeat them. Never battle an issue you are unsure of. Give the creature a name, assign it a face, and create it in your mind. If you choose, you might refer to it as a Monster or a Bully. This will make it easier for you to accept their existence. They will be brought into the light and out of the shadows by it.

If you're a parent, you may talk to your child about their OCD in this way. Knowing that OCD is only a visitor will help you not identify yourself with the sickness. 

Write in your journal thoughts that are designated for your OCD.

Do you accurately record your workouts and meals? Use your OCD in the same way. In order to better understand your illness and determine where your OCD stands, keep a journal of the things that cause your intrusive thoughts. Keep a record of the compulsions you used to overcome the obsession as well as what transpired after you carried out your intended resolution.

Read all that you wrote in your notebook at the end of the day, then take a seat and evaluate yourself. What specific event set off your OCD? What could happen if you don't follow your obligations? How likely is it that your thought will come true?

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) to relieve OCD.

This approach is frequently used to treat OCD. You essentially subject yourself to that fixation at ERP. You won't flee from it, but you also shouldn't force yourself to do anything. Simply let the obsession alone. Make a list of your triggers and phobias, ranking them from 1 to 10, to assist yourself.

When your trigger appears, address it. Prior to acting on an impulse or engaging in compulsive behavior, give yourself at least 10 seconds to think. Wait until there's no more compulsion and then be patient. As you overcome each one of your fears, climb that ladder. 

Put your attention elsewhere.

Refocus your attention and think about anything else if you sense that you are experiencing an OCD attack or are about to have one. In order to change your focus from what is making you anxious to what is calming you down, you can also engage in some physical activity. Just keep saying that until your mind becomes peaceful. Exercise options include jumping, strolling around, singing, and playing with your pet. You can work on your mental exercises by mentally labeling the colors of each object in your field of view, spelling your name out, or counting backward. Even your favorite song can be recited or sung.

Every time you successfully fend off a trigger, treat yourself.

For instance, you could have bought yourself ice cream or pizza by refusing to indulge your addiction or telling yourself that you wouldn't pay attention to it. After successfully climbing a mental mountain, you earn the reward. Set a challenge for yourself, make a commitment, and enjoy the benefits of your strong will. Why not do it week by week instead of doing it every day, which can be stressful?

Cleaning up clutter is one obsession that might be helpful to you but is not compulsive. To optimize the capacity for storage in parts of your house like your garage or basement, make sure you have clever storage solutions in place. Start by tidying so that your OCD is momentarily alleviated; try your best not to worry about making it perfect.

Final Word

Mental health is a real problem. If you think you need professional help, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for it. Better days are coming; you just have to believe it! You will be healed if you choose to do it.