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How Cycling Improves Our Overall Well-Being

Feb 04, 2022
It has only been a month into 2022, and we are feeling all sorts of a roller coaster of emotions. We bid 2021 goodbye in high spirits, hoping for 2022 to overturn the last two years that we have spent on lockdowns and fear of contracting the COVID-19 virus. The joy turned into anxiety as the positive cases had ballooned big time. Then, here goes finding our home and work life seemingly unstable. We have been experiencing a creative rut, work fatigue, sleepless nights, you name it. We are not in our best selves at the moment. The exhaustion and uncertainty have gotten into our heads for far too long. Not trying to get out of this slump is alright. But only up to a certain extent. Prolonging this feeling would only position ourselves into a deeper hole. We are trying. We changed our routines, explored more hobbies, learned new skills, and communicated constantly to those who matter to us. We are always on a quest for self-love and self-care. Getting physical and moving our bodies is a great way to shake off the nerves. Go to the gym, or set up a home gym. Run every morning or take the longer routes when walking to the office or grocery. Play a sport or mop the floor at home. Or get that bike off the wall mount and start pedaling. The pandemic has brought more cyclists on the streets than ever before. Staying healthy is the core message of any health professional during this crisis. And cycling not only lets you stay fit but also allows you to travel to far places other than your homes and while strict travel restrictions are still being implemented worldwide.
Cycling Benefits #1: Maintains a Healthy Body
We already know that cycling is good for your physical health. It is because we use all forms of muscles in our body such as the thighs, arms, back, core muscles, and buttocks. The blood in our body circulates well, and the core muscles form and strengthen during the activity. While walking and running also give relatively the same benefits as cycling, the latter, however, lets us travel more lengths the easiest. Pedaling is less demanding than having to carry your whole weight in your feet when walking, jogging, or running. Cycling is a great way to burn calories and raise our metabolic rate, which helps us maintain a lean body and avoid obesity problems. We can lose weight healthily and naturally, build muscles and burn fat gradually. Moreover, cycling is a cardio exercise that reaps benefits in the long run. Cyclists are less likely to have heart diseases or high blood pressure.
Cycling Benefits #2: Enhances Brain Capacity
Cycling forces us to focus and concentrate, balance, and react and decide quickly. Split-second decisions are made when atop the saddle in the middle of the road. In fact, in a study released by Vanderbilt University, cyclists were more likely to solve a puzzle than those who have no physical activity. Cycling also helps the hippocampus create new brain cells, which increases our learning and memory capacity. In a study conducted by the University of Illinois, researchers found out that engaging in cycling improves our cardiorespiratory fitness by five percent, which directly correlates to the 15-percent increase in mental test scores. Developing Alzheimer’s among the elderly could be prevented by regular cycling. Charles Hillman, in 2007, learned that cycling regenerates receptors that aid in fending off acquiring the disease due to the good flow of oxygen and blood in the brain.
Cycling Benefits #3: Lowers Stress Levels
Stress is easier to manage when exercising regularly. Those diagnosed with anxiety and depression are often told to work out regularly and sweat it out. Physical activity pumps up our feel-good neurotransmitters, or endorphins. It helps us relax, improves our mood, and boosts our confidence. Generally, any physical activity is good for you. But why not try cycling? Cycling gets you out of the house and you have a change of scenery. Being cooped up at home during this pandemic has affected our mental health negatively. So, pedaling your way into the neighborhood or mountains gives you a feast in the eyes and lets you breathe naturally and fresher air. Soaking up in Vitamin D raises your mood better, too. And if you continue to have early morning rides, not only do you break up your old boring morning routine, you also build good habits, which will make you productive at work and finish your home tasks early.
Cycling Benefits #4: Strengthens Relationships
When we say relationships, it is not only limited to interpersonal relationships, but more importantly, cycling lets you build your self-esteem and confidence. You have yourself to rely on when you start pedaling. You learn to trust yourself more. And when you start having a good relationship with yourself, you are now more open to letting yourself have better relationships with friends and family. Cycling doubles the fun when it is shared. Getting into the destination in groups, snacking while resting, and sharing stories is part of the bonding experience that you will enjoy when cycling. It also expands your social circle. Once you find a cyclist friend, you will get introduced to a cobweb of friends. And your cycling group will fuel your desire to get better and have more fun when cycling.
We Recommend the Fleximounts BHR4 Flexible and Foldable Bike Hitch Rack When Traveling Long Distance
The Fleximounts Bike Hitch Rack Foldable BHR4 is as durable as you want it to be. It is made of a cold-roll steel structure with a protective powder paint finish. It has anti-wobble knobs to strengthen the connection between the mainmast and folding arms. It assures you that the build will securely fix the bike rack in place, which would be our biggest worry when on the road. Frequent glances at the back of our car would be lessened with this rack as you will be at ease with its performance. The foldable bike hitch rack features a tiltable mainmast. The rack's body can swing up, down, forward, and backward, allowing more accessible bikes' lifting. The rack pops back to its original position with the anti-wobble knob. The Fleximounts BHR4 Flexible and Foldable Bike Hitch Rack are compatible with different sizes of bikes, which is perfect for group outings and if you own multiple types of bicycles. The rack has adjustable straps that can hold up to four bikes, and it can carry a weight of up to 165 lbs. Moreover, its foldable arms are easy to move. So, when the rack is not in use, you can easily fold it back to safekeeping. The foldable arms won't also get in the way, even if installed in your vehicle.