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How Babies and Pets Can Live Together in Harmony

Sep 28, 2022

It's exciting for a new family to have a baby for the very first time. Even though you've had a dog for a while, having a human child will completely change the dynamics in your household. You're probably already transforming a space into a nursery that you will fill with toys and books in the hopes that your child will presumably appreciate them. Have you considered how life will be like if you're about to bring up a child with a pet, though? Dogs and infants communicate differently, according to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). Instead of speaking like adults do, babies scream, crawl, run, and do different actions with their arms. Even though a pet may not be in the mood for affection at the time, babies often want to play with, hold, and kiss them when they see them. Because the pet might go on attack mode and without warning, bite the child it perceives as a threat, the scenario could become seriously dangerous for your child. It does not obligate you to give up your favorite pet for three years. You just have to be extra vigilant and strict with new safety precautions to be implemented. Take note that although you are in alert mode, the changes won't be so drastic that the advantages will already be outweighing the risks. The benefits of having a pet for a child are listed by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Eventually, when the kids could talk, having a pet meant having someone with whom to share their secrets, teach them responsibility by teaching them to feed the dog or cat when it's time, teach them to respect other living creatures, and expose them to life events like arrival of life and taking away of it as well. Additionally, they will experience the loyalty, affection, and love that come with raising a pet, engage in a lot of physical exercise with the pet, and have comfort close at hand. So how precisely can you make a place where your child and your pet can get along? Here are six suggestions that could help you avoid mishaps or, God forbid, permanently euthanizing your pet.

1. Never leave your infant or pet unattended.

It's better to be cautious than sorry because they couldn't yet read each other's indications. Never leave a child and a pet together unattended. Always be aware of their whereabouts and activities. To keep an eye on your kids while you work, think about a security camera being installed or setting up a standing desk in their playroom.

2. Place delicate and necessary items on a height.

We are all aware that children and animals can be highly lively. You can try to correct them, but it won't make them stop playing around and laughing so hard while being completely unaware of the disaster they have created. For example, in your garage where there are a lot of harmful chemicals and tools, you can use overhead storage racks and wall shelves, that will ensure the safety of not only the items stored inside but moreso, your pets and your kids at home. Here are two recommended product from FlexiMounts:


If your garage isn’t wide or you want multiple shelves, FlexiMounts also has wall storage options that feature up to three levels of shelves. The company boasts a patent design in structure where you don’t need any tools to adjust the product. The weight capacity of this wall shelf is 300 to 450 pounds in total. You may adjust the height of each level according to your actual needs. It comes in two sizes that you can choose from: 1’x3’ and 1’x4.’ It is made of powder-coated steel that is guaranteed to be of high quality. Like the other products, even though this is in three shelves, it can also be easily installed by one person. It is also compatible for use in wood studs or a concrete wall.


This is another product that is perfect for small garages. This wall shelving will make use of corner space that can guarantee to optimize all vacant spaces in your garage. It can be used as a corner shelf or a 2-pack shelf. Like the other wall shelves and overhead storage racks from FlexiMounts, this item also features an integrated grid design. It’s easy to install by one person because the package comes with all the necessary hardware. An installation template will also help locate where to mount the holes. You may install it in wood studs or a concrete wall. For additional storage, this is compatible with FlexiMounts GRH2/GRH2B and hooks GRH1/GRH1B.

3. Give your child something to do.

Make sure your child has something to do if your pet doesn't want to play. It could be drawing pictures in a coloring book, using your hands to paint on a blank canvas, throwing a tea party, or getting Buzz Lightyear and Woody into a fight. In the end, make sure your child doesn't approach your pet when it's not in the mood to play and is giving signals that it can't and shouldn't be disturbed.

4. Educate your dog.

Make sure your dog has received the fundamental training in sitting, leash walking, down, stay, and come. It will be simpler to establish limits, such as not going to the dining area during mealtimes, if your pet has received training. Prepare your goodies in advance so that a trained dog will respond to your commands while your child and your furry baby are currently having fun together. You might also teach your child how to gently handle your pet. When the animal is chewing on or playing with a toy, stay far away.

5. Recognize your dog's behaviors.

You can decide if it's safe for your child to play with your pet by paying attention to the latter's cues. For instance, your dog is pleased if its body is relaxed, its mouth is open, its tail is wagging, and its eyes are in normal shape. If a dog's posture is tense, with its weight forward, fangs protruding, tail stiffly up or down, it is likely upset or irritated. If you are familiar with their behavior, you will be able to spot danger and quickly remove your child from the circumstance.