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Hobby Ideas for Busy Parents

Sep 13, 2022
Parents like you are not caped superheroes like Superman or Batman with superpowers. To transport an entire train with just your hands or fly to another planet, you do not possess powers like these. You must take breaks after a long day of work and occasionally go on holidays to unwind since you are a human being. However, parents like you frequently prioritize the needs of others before your own. Although society refers to this as unconditional love, making too many sacrifices could result in burnout and ultimately cause you to lose yourself and your ability to interact with those around you. Before you realize it, your children have moved out and you are left aimless and stuck. The key to getting out of this jam is to lead a balanced life. Having interests outside of work is frequently far more significant than we give them credit for. According to Harvard Business Review (HBR), a hobby is the "intentional, purposeful use of leisure time," and it goes on to say that in addition to providing a distraction from work stress, it also helps you learn new skills, improve your problem-solving abilities, and, most especially, create a shared activity with loved ones. However, as HBR underlined, hobbies require dedication and effort to be successful. If you're out of ideas or feel too busy as a working parent with kids to feed, here are 10 specific things you can start with.
Learn many egg preparation techniques or how to make fresh pasta and pizza.
With so many methods to boil eggs, many people lack the proper technique, leaving you stranded in your kitchen. An enjoyable family activity is making homemade pizza and spaghetti.
Teach yourself how to perform a backflip or a headstand.
Learning a headstand, and even more so a backflip, takes a lot of balance, core strength, and bravery. Once you master the proper form and pull off even just one flawless flip, it will be immensely rewarding.
Take up playing the ukulele.
You will only be working with four strings to play in a ukulele, unlike the guitar where there are six strings. What's great is that you can already play a lot of songs even if you only master the fundamental chords. Even your life partner or children could find it difficult to resist joining you in your jam session.
Maintain a daily journal.
Use writing prompts to help you when you are keeping a journal. You can write about your family's daily activities as well, which your future self will undoubtedly find interesting.
Learn how to edit the videos you recorded on your child's first birthday using a video editing program.
Don't let those videos sit untouched for all time. Learn the fundamentals of video editing, select the appropriate soundtrack, and render the finished product for all of the family to enjoy.
Establish a herb garden.
Start growing your own herb garden of kale, cilantro, basil, and other plants. The best part about it is that it's fresh, so you may choose one whenever you need it in the kitchen.
Join a reading group.
Reading alone is enjoyable, but finding somebody to chat to after finishing a good or poor book is never easy. Find a book group online, or start one with your closest friends. Meet every week or every two weeks to discuss the book of your choice.
Learn to draw hands and faces.
Despite your artistic talent, painting human features and fingers is difficult to grasp. Draw your children or your spouse as a challenge for yourself.
Become marathon-ready.
If you register for an athletic event, it may inspire you to work out. Make it a couple's activity and work out frequently to be ready for the big day. It's a great idea to sign up for a marathon as your first activity because you can just run around your neighborhood and perform home-runner stretches and core exercises.
Help out in a shelter for dogs.
Bring all the family members along and volunteer for a good cause. Time and effort invested are always worthwhile. You will have a ball with your kids and even demonstrate empathy to them if you choose to visit a dog shelter. Given your busy work schedule, you're probably sitting there wondering when you'll have time to complete any of the aforementioned. Make a commitment to finding time for a pastime if you truly would like to take proper care of yourself. On your way to work, you could sketch, read an audiobook, or jot down what you see. You can take community work, learn to cook a new recipe or create a mural while playing with your children, or spending quality time with your family on the weekends. Before preparing breakfast, you might get up early to run five kilometers and sprinkle your plants. Set up a night to discuss a book with your girlfriends or stay glued to a video editing screen. If you think there's no time, then you're wrong. You're just making the wrong priorities. You would need space to do these things at home, especially if you have a small house, to begin with. If you want to play a musical instrument, you would need a quiet place to do so. If you want to put up a herb garden, there should be a free area that receives sunlight. You should have a private lounge area for your reading group when they come over to your house. To prepare for a marathon, you might need to strengthen your endurance by lifting weights and doing cardiovascular exercises which will require room for you to move around. Start by looking for vacant spots in your home where you could set up your “hobby station.” Why not consider the garage, a roomy area where there is a lot of space to work in? You can start decluttering the garbage you have accumulated and installing smart storage solutions to maximize the space. When you use overhead storage racks and wall shelves, the floor will be free to use, whichever way you want.