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Garage Cleaning: Most Common Types of Junk

May 19, 2022
Maybe you are thinking of remodeling or renovating your garage to improve its storage capacity or, perhaps, converting the space into a more luxurious and elaborate room. However, you should take a pause and rethink your choices. It could be that your garage is just too chaotic that what you only need to do is actually clean it out and remove the junk that has been stored and accumulating dust for a long period of time. The question is, why do we let junk collect in our space, which bumps off our vehicles to be left parked in the driveways? Well, we leave that to you to reflect on. And after, clear your heads and proceed to massive decluttering.
Dealing with junk
Rule number one: if you haven’t touched the item for a year, consider it as junk and let go–toss or donate or give it away. There is a reason why that item has been sitting for a year or so, and it is because either you forgot where you placed it, or you do not need it at all. Though, one might argue that it will serve its purpose soon. But, when exactly is that? Do not let your maybes and what ifs turn your garage into one pile of junkyard. Have a designated area, say, the driveway or lawn to stock the stuff that you have in the garage. And from there, you can sort them out into keep, throw, recycle, or donate. Upon checking you will soon observe that these items are generally considered as junk and should serve as a guide in the future.
Old sports equipment
You and your kids may have enjoyed playing ball games during summer, and may have let them enroll in sports clinics. The equipment can be quickly deflated or worn out, and you think that maybe pumping gas can fix it. Or, your kid has developed a different love to other sports that it was an inevitable case to leave the ball in the corner. So, most likely it will stay in the garage till god-knows-when. If the sports equipment is still in good shape, better donate it to a charity or local family who cannot afford to buy new athletic gear.
Leftover paint
Most often when we retouch our walls, we have a few cans unused or partially used left. And we would opt to store the paint in the garage for future use. However, due to the changing temperatures and moisture in the area, the paint would most likely dry out, colors to be separated, and change in consistency. Be careful, though, when disposing of the cans as they contain hazardous waste, so, make sure to check on the local disposal facility on how to discard them properly.
Old appliance cardboard
The reason why we couldn’t bring ourselves to throw these cardboards away is that we would most likely use them when we move out or change our appliances in case they needed repair while still under warranty. But mind you, if you are not planning to move out anytime soon, those cardboard boxes will only collect dust and insects, and deteriorate the longer you store them.
Rusty tools
By now, those tools that are rusty, broken or with missing pieces are probably replaced with new and usable ones. So, keeping them for the sake of keeping them, or unknowingly, adds to the clutter that your garage is already in the state of. Once you get rid of them, you will be utterly shocked at how much space they have been occupying all this time.
Storage for stuff you intend to keep
You will create more space in the garage if you choose to install overhead garage storage or wall shelving as they maximize the free space that is otherwise left unused. There are many wall shelves and overhead garage storage available in the market. A quick search on e-commerce sites will show hundreds of products. But looking for what will be best suited in your garage will take time if you do not know what you want and need in a garage storage. Aside from the affordability and price, the criteria that you should look for in a storage equipment is that you can also utilize an organizing shelf that can be of multiple uses and offers flexibility, which will suit your needs–whether it is for weight capacity, reinventing of the orientation of the shelf and compatibility with the kind of walls that you already have in the garage. It is common sense that it will be easier and financially logical to get a rack that is already compatible with the build of your garage. The WRC24B Fleximounts Corner 2-Pack 2’ x 4’ Wall Shelving is one such reliable top storage solution. You can save a great amount of space in the garage by using the corner walls to install the wall shelf. Moreover, it offers flexible installation as you can use the WRC24B either as a corner shelf or a two-pack wall shelf. It is also compatible and suited for either wood studs and concrete walls. It is made of powder-coated steel, which is responsible for its heavy-duty and sturdy performance. Each shelf can carry a maximum weight of 220 lbs without it being wobbly, so you are assured of the safety of the items stored on it and you do not need to worry about falling objects cluttering your garage. Additionally, its one-piece grid design for easier assembly makes it more stable compared to others with multi-piece assembly available in the market. Assembling and installing this wall shelf will be a breeze as it is designed for easy one-person installation. In the package, all the hardware that you need is already included, as well as the installation template that helps with the mounting of holes, and the bubble level that helps get perfect horizontal location. Moreover, the Fleximounts WRC24B Wall Shelving storage space offers additional storage options. The storage can easily be expanded with the Fleximounts GRH1/GRH1B hooks or GRH2/GRH2B hooks. You can use the hooks to store bikes, tools, cleaning materials and more.