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Date and Gift Ideas for Your Valentine's Date

Jan 31, 2022
It’s almost that time of the year for Love Month. Every year, couples, families, and friends look forward to February when the Day of Hearts happens. People buy gifts in advance and book dates ahead to make sure that their loved ones feel the most loved to come to Valentines’ Day. Ever wondered why the holiday is celebrated every February 14? What’s so special about that day and why couldn’t it be another date on the calendar? According to, it happens in the middle of February to pay tribute to the death or burial anniversary of Valentine. There are others who believe in a different story. They believe that it’s an attempt of the Catholic Church to Christianize a pagan festival called Lupercalia. This is a fertility festival celebrated every February 15. It’s for the Roman god of agriculture Faunus, and Roman founders Romulus and Remus. Goats will be sacrificed for fertility while dogs are for purification. The remains will be dipped in blood and slapped on women—a ritual that women allowed because they believe it will make them more fertile in the year ahead. The women will place their names in an urn and the bachelors of the town or the city would choose a name. More often than not, these pairings lead to marriages. This was outlawed and towards the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius announced that February 14 will be for Valentine's Day. We can’t tell for sure if it’s celebrated on that day to Christianize the pagan fertility festival but what we’re certain about now is that every February 14, we make our loved ones special through giving gifts and planning dates. If all restaurants are already booked, you may use the garage as a date venue. It’s an open space that can be pretty intimate when transformed. One, you have to declutter so make sure to take out all the items in the garage and pile them in someplace secure for the meantime. Decide what to do with the items, whether it’s for throwaway, selling, or keeping. Back at the garage, do some thorough cleaning from ceiling to bottom before deciding what smart storage solutions you will put into place. FlexiMounts has the best products to keep items off the floor where you could set up your intimate date. Below are two storage options:
Classic 2-Pack 2’ X 6’ Wall shelving
For items that you need to be accessible on a regular basis, it’s best to store them on a wall shelf. This wall-mounted storage solution from FlexiMounts comes with all the necessary hardware which makes it easier to install in a concrete wall or wall studs. It’s 2x6 in size and could carry 400 pounds in total. It’s made up of top-of-the-line, powder-coated steel that has undergone quality tests. Its buckle design comes with velcros, a feature that prevents it from falling. Homeowners may play around with installment because of the product’s flexible layout with various combinations and different stud spacing. This unit comes in either black or white, perfect for any garage aesthetic or in your case, the theme of your party.
Classic Overhead Garage Storage Rack GR Series
This classic overhead garage storage rack is highly customizable and would be perfect for someone who always hosts parties. This allows for a height adjustment ranging from 22 to 40 inches that will give you a smaller or more space as needed. It can carry a total of 400 to 600 pounds. It’s made of cold-roll steel that is guaranteed to have a safe and high loading capacity. It can be easily installed through a step-by-step instruction and installation template that will come along with the box. It’s also waterproof and can avoid water damage and store seasonal items. Its integrated grid design assures its sturdiness and makes it stand apart from its market competitors. Store the items that you don’t need to have regular access to in this overhead rack. After installing storage solutions, organize the items you will keep inside. You could label them so it’s easier to look for anything when you need something from the garage. You can also make a home garage inventory list so you have an idea of all your items in the garage. Afterward, make sure the insulation and the ventilation in the garage are bearable for your date. Consider installing an air conditioning unit so that it’s comfy and breezy inside. You may also open the windows if that’s your keep of tea. Just know that it’s best if the climate in your garage is under your control so that your date won’t feel uncomfortable. After taking care of all these, do the necessary decorations. You may put on some candles (but be careful because you don’t want to start a fire!) or you may set the mood by playing some music. Prepare a table with the food that you could have whipped yourself in the kitchen. Choose the best wine pairing for your chosen menu of the night. And ask your family, whoever doesn’t have a Valentine’s Date, if they could serve as the waiters for your date tonight. You could also ask some of them to perform a song or be the live entertainment for the date.
Gift Ideas for Your Partner
You might also want to add a cherry on top and prepare a gift for your partner. FlexiMounts has some workbench options that are versatile, durable, and functional. They would surely love the practical gift if they are into making projects in the garage.
This workbench is made of heavy-duty steel and has a weight capacity of 1000 pounds. It has a maximum dimension of 96″ in length, 48″ in width, and adjustable in height. It uses top-quality stainless steel screws; lumber color and finish can be customized, and storage capacity can be expanded.
Designed with high-quality craftsmanship, this durable frame can hold up to 3000 pounds. It is made of cold-roll steel, and its thick solid surface is made of 100% rubberwood. This solid surface is 1” thick wood sealed with varnish as protection against chips and scratches. It has a built-in pull-out drawer that serves as an integrated storage space for your utility tools and supplies. Its adjustable leveling feet will ensure the stability of the bench in areas with uneven floors.