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Ways on How the Garage Can Sport A Minimalist Design

Oct 21, 2022

Nowadays, minimalism has largely taken the place of maximalism. A wider audience is finding the concept of "less is more" to be more appealing. Maybe you are one of this growing audience because you landed on this article today. 

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, the minimalist movement's founders who even have a Netflix documentary on the topic, are two well-known figures in the field. Of course, Marie Kondo has made the practice of purging and just keeping items that make us happy more commonplace.

Nowadays, it's common for people to get rid of extras and only keep what they actually need. This shift in perspective led to the rise of minimalism in design. It's prevalent everywhere. A minimalist aesthetic can be seen in photo designs, visual design, architecture, interior decorating, and more.

The idea of "less is more" can be used in modern house garages as well.

Garage Living says that a minimalist garage would have a neutral color scheme for a straightforward yet attractive aesthetic and plenty of free space by organizing all the items stored in the garage.

Some people might assume that a basic design must be boring, but they couldn't be more mistaken. A minimalist design won't appear uninteresting at all when it is created by a talented and skilled designer. On the contrary hand, it will have a contemporary, sleek, and clean finish. Anyone who enters the room will feel calmer and appreciate that there aren't too many designs to strain their eyes. Despite the fact that the garage is already filled and too many items are already stored there, you may use the right storage solutions to make it clutter-free. 

Maintaining a clutter-free garage may seem difficult. Because, as was already mentioned, items without a place in the main house typically wind up in the garage and are then frequently neglected. It has become commonplace to throw items in the garage, so seeing it messy is no longer shocking. However, if nothing is done to remedy this situation, leaving it for a long time will only result in the garage losing its purpose while it has the potential to be used for much more than just storage.

When you decide to put in the effort to organize and declutter the room, getting rid of the clutter is simple. Simply maintain discipline and have faith in the process. 

Keep in mind the garage's significance as well. It stores pricey items like your lawnmower, sporting goods, exercise gear, and most significantly, your car.

Returning to minimalism, it is not merely a current trend. It existed prior to the modern-day popularity of The Minimalists (Millburn and Nicodemus) and Marie Kondo.

The Minimalists advise you to reconsider your purchasing habits, but Marie Kondo's message is to simplify your space. The two's main takeaway, according to Garage Living, is to now permit stuff you don't need to occupy your area. Upgrading the garage will be considerably better for your mental health as a whole.

The objective while using Marie Kondo's philosophy in your life should be to have adequate parking and maintain organization. To make the garage usable and comfortable, you need to make more room. Additionally, you'll be able to avoid the stress that comes with having a cluttered garage, and you may be ready to clean the area without worrying about how overwhelming it might be. Because it appears to be clean from the start, your family won't need to run for the garage to stay away from danger areas. When the garage doors are opened and neighbors and bystanders can view how your garage looks inside, it will eventually look lovely and fashionable.

To get an idea of what a minimalist garage might look like, you can hire a professional garage designer to create a computer-aided design (CAD) model for you. This image can assist you, the homeowner, in determining whether the minimalist design suggested would be suitable for you before making any adjustments.

To make the garage appear streamlined and tidy, you might request that all wiring be buried. However, if your garage is still a mess, none of these minimalist ideas would matter. The excess must be thrown away, and what is left must be ordered.

Instead than just throwing things away, decluttering, according to Garage Living, should be viewed as curation. When sorting through your possessions, simply consider what useful use each item serves for you. Curating is defined as "selecting, organizing, and presenting something, which corresponds exactly with what you're attempting to do." You can also inquire as to how long it has been since you utilized the item in front of you; if the answer is more than a year, you should give careful thought to whether you still need it in your garage.

The first items to be removed are the biggest and simplest. You notice that the area is expanding further, which should motivate you to continue "curating" your garage. Your home will feel more spacious and clutter-free when it is clean.

Instead of just throwing things away, decluttering—according to Garage Living—should be viewed as curation. When sorting through your possessions, simply consider what useful use each item serves for you. Curating is defined as "selecting, organizing, and presenting something, which corresponds exactly with what you're attempting to do." You can also inquire as to how long it has been since you utilized the item in front of you; if the answer is more than a year, you should give careful thought to whether you still need it in your garage.

A minimalist aesthetic emphasizes the use of empty space. If you can keep the debris and other items hidden, it will appear minimalist. Plus, if items are placed in an ordered way, searching for them is much simpler.

Final Word

We hope you enjoy decluttering and making your life more minimal as much as we do. It might seem as if it’s an overwhelming task at first but after the decluttering, we assure you that it’ll feel much lighter now that you have fewer items in your possession.