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Summer Time Cleaning with FlexiMounts

Jun 28, 2021
Summer has arrived, which means there is no more justification for you to not clean your entire garage. The heat may be stopping you but it should also be the reason why you need to get on your feet and clean up. Work your way through these tried-and-true cleaning recommendations from FlexiMounts to add shine and brilliance to any (and every!) room if you're not sure where to begin. It's entirely up to you: Take it room by the whole garage or one tiny appliance at a time until it's free of dirt, mildew, grime, and anything else is making it seem — and feel — filthy. After this is all said and done, your garage will appear brand new. You'll see what we're talking about if you put on your rubber gloves and start cleaning.

All good with an all-in-one cleaner

First, you need to equip yourself with a great cleanser that can get rid of dirt and grime no matter what kind of surface you are dealing with. To make an all-purpose cleaner, combine all of the ingredients in a spray bottle. Here's a recipe for a homemade cleaner that will shine on almost any surface (especially table and cooking counters, appliances, and the insides of the refrigerator and oven). Wipe messes away using a sponge and a mixture of 4 teaspoons of bicarbonate soda and 1-quart warm water.

Vinegar can make a glass sparkle brighter

Want windows and glass that can rival a diamond? Vinegar can help you. Fill an empty spray container halfway with 1/2 cup white vinegar, 1/3 cup rubbing alcohol, and 2 cups water. Wait for a cool, cloudy day to clean your windows to avoid getting sun-burnt and glass glares hurting your eyes. Spritz the solution onto the glass and wipe it clean with a clean microfiber towel to avoid staining.

Now that you are all set. Let's get down to business!

Garages seem to be for our cars, but they can easily become a dumpsite for outgrown clothes, empty bottles, and other items that are broken or that you simply don't want to deal with. However, as spring cleaning approaches, it's finally time to give your garage a thorough cleaning. Cleaning out and rearranging your garage for a day (or two) will get you prepared for all the warm-weather activities that are just around the bend. Isn't that appealing? To help us get this season off to a clean start, we enlisted the help of a few professionals to walk us through arranging this often-overlooked area.

Create an Action plan

Over the course of a long winter, a lot may happen in or to a garage, therefore your first priority in the spring should be to restore order, so start with a goal in mind. Are you a gardener who takes pride in your work? Is it enough to have convenient access to your favorite sports equipment, or does your garage also need to serve as storage and a washing room? The key to a good spring cleaning is to have a strategy for the space's eventual functionality. Make a to-do list or draw out a basic strategy for the end outcome. Then open those doors, allow some fresh air and light in, park your car, and get started. It also doesn't harm to listen to some motivational music or listen to an interesting podcast.

Implementing a strategy

It's crucial to first figure out the best strategy to get the work done before tackling a space like the garage. Start with the simplest tasks, such as collecting recyclables or marking items for donation or disposal. The goal then is to completely demolish the garage and rebuild it piece by piece. Do your best to restore order at the end of each session, even if it takes a day or two—or even a few weekends. If you can leave everything outside on the driveway or lawn, simply cover it with a sheet at night to keep onlookers and springtime rain at bay. If that sounds too intense, start with a little portion that is bugging you the most. Detach yourself from the guilt of allowing the garage to reach this position and approach the project with the mindset of just getting started. Once you've conquered a difficult area, the remainder will be a piece of cake. Set aside another block of time for the following week and work in tiny bursts until it's completed.

Does it spark joy?

When cleaning out your closet, a general rule is that if you haven't worn something in over a year, it's time to let it go; the same rules can be applied to your garage. It's fine to let those rollerblades go if no one has used them in over a decade. Don't be too hard on yourself if your family didn't seem to enjoy Sunday croquet matches as much as you had hoped. Donate them, and instead of collecting dust, they might be put to good use. Be open and honest about your hobbies, activities, belongings, and personal life. Do you, on the other hand, enjoy skiing? Do you enjoy repairing stuff around the house? If this is the case, the materials used in these activities should be respected and given prominent placement. If you're having problems letting go of items, divide them into categories like "use often," "use annually," "never use," and "sentimental storage." Check annual and frequent use items for signs of damage and replace or store; when it comes to sentimental goods, focus on what you truly want to keep and what you actually have capacity to put safely.

Stock up on supplies

If you don't already have a good organizational structure in place, now is the time to start. Anything that goes up is the best sort of storage. Even better if your shelf is fixed on the wall or ceiling. A garage with a few parked cars is cramped, so make the most of your walls and even ceilings to maximize space. Open metal or wire shelving systems with tubs and bins for things like seasonal decorations are perfect solutions. Remember to include lids for the top tier of bins. In the offseason, the vacant space above your property storage system can be used to store extra toilet tissue or water coolers.

Hang Tight with a peg board

Choose a peg board with hangers for vertical wall mounting if space is limited. Because most gardening equipment have handles, put shovels and garden tools on the wall to conserve space and keep goods off the ground. If you're not using your golf clubs, hockey sticks, or bikes on a regular basis, you can hang them (a floor storage rack is fantastic if you're an ardent rider). Nothing makes a parking experience more nerve-wracking than a bike resting dangerously against a garage wall. Another option is to use a stud finder to drill a hole in the ceiling and hang your bike from the tire. They'll be easy to take down and out of the way this way. Balls and sports equipment can also be stored in canvas bags hung at eye height so you can see what you're searching for—mesh storage boxes also work nicely.

Final Thoughts

With these tips and ideas, you are on your way to a cleaner and tidier garage. While it may take some time to clean out your space, do keep in mind that the less clutter you have, the more your home would be a happy place for you to have. So get on your feet and start cleaning because your labor would bear greater results for you in the end.