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New Years Resolution: Put Your Garage on a Diet

Jan 13, 2023

Year after year, one thing that never leaves our New Year's Resolutions list is to go on a diet. And by the 1st week of January, we hit the gym and sweat it out. Whether we can check that off our list for the whole year is entirely up to us. Going on a diet is not limited to our bodies but to our homes, specifically our garages. Our space has amassed excessive baggage throughout the year. And one way to lose the love handles is to declutter. Remove all the items that should not be stored there in the first place.

But when you stop to think about it, are you purging your home of clutter, or are you just moving where you keep your things? Be real. Moving the items we don't frequently use to the garage is what we typically mean when we say we are decluttering the house. Whether or not we are aware that we do it regularly, the truth is that we view the garage as a storage space for our things. But is it necessary to keep everything in the garage? Maybe. Who would doubt you if you were to practice that? There is, however, a list of rules and guidelines, as with anything.

We should talk about the things in the garage that deserve a space or should be thrown away. A list of objects is there for a reason.

To start with, they may provide a fire risk. The insulation in the garage (or lack of it) makes it vulnerable. Additionally, the living area's architecture differs from how the garages are designed. Because of this, few garage owners genuinely think about how much more protection they should have for their garage than they do for their primary residence. Even if we are aware that it is somewhat reckless, sometimes incomplete knowledge or a lack of resources prevent us from acting responsibly. But be advised to always seek guidance from experts. Even though you may have to pay money upfront, it has been shown to be cost-effective in the long term.

And even while we would love to use our garage to its full potential as a storage area, you should avoid keeping the following objects there:

1. Propane Tanks

For the most part, storing propane tanks is secure to keep in the garage. If you run out of gas while cooking, we understand that you might require a backup tank because contacting or driving to the store would be a nuisance. However, keep the tanks away from the garage to prevent exposure to high temperatures. A fire can start if the tank should develop a leak in a confined area. In some instances, the trigger may even start from your automobile in the garage.

2. Paint

Paints and paint can work similarly. These substances are indeed flammable. In addition, the quality of the paint mix might be altered by extremely high or low temperatures. As a result, changing seasons and storing leftover paint in the garage may cause your paint to experience a wide range of temperatures. Additionally, go through the labels as they specify the ideal storage temperature.

3. Alcohol Beverages

Wine, beer, and other alcoholic beverages should not be kept in the garage. Their flavor is altered by heat, light, and humidity. Unless you want your wine to ferment and become vinegar, then go ahead and proceed. Keep these drinks inside your house in a cold, dark location. And getting to them is made considerably simpler if you need a drink immediately.

4. Canned Food

Keeping a supply of canned food on hand is a good idea. They serve as our emergency food supply in disasters or other scenarios where we cannot purchase food. But keeping them in the garage is a mistake. Unlike what we may think, canned goods are not impervious to spoilage. The ideal storage temperature for them is between 50 and 70 degrees. Additionally, when exposed to humidity, the metal lids of tin cans and glass jars can rust, which can interact chemically with the food.

5. Pet Food

The fact that the high temps won't impact the pet food in the garage isn't the major justification for not keeping them there. Snacks are still snacks, though. And before you knew it, rats and other unwelcome guests would have had their pleasure eating them. Keep them in a firmly sealed metal or plastic container if, for example, there is no other place to store them. The cardboard wrapping should be removed from the pet food since pests can easily nibble on it.

6. Printed Photographs

Our most treasured memories are preserved in this kind of keepsake. And we would want them to survive as long as possible so that we could always look back on them in difficult times or just share them with our loved ones. The images might, however, be damaged by the garage's humidity and moisture content. It may cause irreparable severe problems, the edges curl, the growth of mold, or all three. It would be preferable to organize them inside or, even better, to scan these prints so you have a repository you can rely on when you want to create a picture album or print in huge proportions.

7. Important Files

Similar to keeping printed photos out of the garage, you should not store vital paperwork and files like passports, certifications of any type, medical information, and the like there. These papers may suffer irreparable harm from excessive humidity. To avoid moisture from damaging your data, store them somewhere else, and be sure to put them in an airtight plastic container.

8. Outdated Electronics

Humidity changes and temperature variations can damage electronic devices, including computers, smartphones, and appliances. They could create a shortage in the circuitry. It would be preferable to dispose of these gadgets securely (verify your local community's regulations) or give them to groups that may put them to good use if they are no longer in use or just require minor repairs. Additionally, you may consider whether businesses are welcoming to a particular technology.

9. Rugs and Carpets

You might agree that keeping these things in the garage is OK. It's not, actually. The reason? For rodents, insects, and other pests, carpets and rugs provide cozy nests. The fibers also take up smells and moisture. Additionally, the humidity over time may develop molds and mildew in the carpets and rugs.

10. Collectibles

Keep your valuables out of the garage, according to the first rule of storage. The garage is a security weakness and would provide the quickest entrance to any residence. Second, your valuables will get damaged if heat and moisture build up. Dirt, rust, and molds will only degrade collector coins, warp vinyl records, damage posters, and picture cards, destroy toy car collections, and so on. Better keep them secure inside the house if you don't want to mourn over damaged valuables.