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Does Your Garage Smell Bad? How to Wash Away the Stench

Jan 16, 2023

When we don't have a place for something in our house, we almost instinctively dump it in the garage. One, it's easily accessible. Two, the open area it provides makes it convenient. But because of this careless behavior, we hardly ever realize when the garage has become a waste bin. And by the time we realize it, cleaning and decluttering are already too much for us to handle.

Take a deep breath. Don’t make a big deal out of the fact that it took longer than anticipated to finish decluttering because there's no urgency to wrap up cleaning your garage. If you want to create the garage of your dreams, take your time, consult with others, conduct study, and go through the cleaning process completely.

Of course, your garage may already smell bad from the clutter and grime. It can smell musty, which is a sign that mold or mildew is present in your home. According to experts, this is brought on by insufficient air circulation and poor ventilation. Your garage's equipment may break down or suffer harm if the situation worsens. Here are some methods you can do to stir clear of this odor.

To remove the mold, experiment with several cleaning agents. To get rid of it, try vinegar, tea tree oil, or bleach. Use one cup of bleach per gallon of cold water when using bleach.

Spray the solution with a bottle in your garage. 

Use a sponge or towel to scrape the mold with great intensity.

Once you've scrubbed the surface, stop rinsing it. This will stop bleach-induced mold growth in the future.

How to Prevent the Growth of Mold, Mildew, and Stench

Keep your garage clean on a regular basis to prevent a musty or unpleasant odor. Mold and mildew are less likely to be visible in the garage if it is routinely cleaned.

Declutter. Sort the things you keep in the garage. Utilize clever solutions like FlexiMounts' wall shelves or overhead storage racks. Additionally, you can use the brand's bike racks. Making sure that everything is stored properly can assist safeguard your belongings in the event that mold or mildew accumulates.

Make sure your garage is properly ventilated. Open the garage door frequently to let in fresh air. Open the window in your garage if it has one from time to time. A dehumidifier can also be utilized.

One tip you'll hear from professionals is to store boxes of baking soda in the garage. Keep these boxes accessible, and make sure you inspect and replace them each month. In your garage, baking soda can soak up unpleasant smells.

How to Get the Garage Organized

You may arrange the garage such that routine cleaning is simpler and less demanding.

Take everything out of the garage. The first solution is to eliminate everything from the garage and move it to the driveway. You can sort the items and classify them in the driveway according to what you wish for keeping, selling, donating, or throwing away. It will be simpler for you to see how orderly the garage should be when it is empty. You will also possess the ability to plan the clever storage arrangements you will use for your goods.

Choose what to keep and what to throw away. This is the ideal moment to dispose of things that are no longer useful to you. It's probable that there are several goods in the garage that you don't need or that don't help you in any way because it has become crowded and disorganized. You can sell, donate, or throw these away. For the time being, put those you intend to keep in clean, secure containers.

Do you remember using these items multiple times in the past year? Check to see if it is in good condition. Then decide if it would be tough to borrow the item from friends or family. This should assist you in deciding what to retain and what to discard.

Make a decision regarding the objects in your discard pile.

Take a look at the goods you intend to discard and make a decision regarding how to dispose of them.

Giving is the first choice. These things might still be useful to other people and a different community. You might even document your trash and post pictures of it online so that you can give it to friends or acquaintances who may pose interest. 

The following option is to sell. You might also sell the goods in your discard pile if they aren't suitable for donation or you need some extra cash. To find some possible purchasers, you can browse on Craigslist or the Facebook Marketplace. You may hold a garage sale as well.

The final choice is to discard it. Throw away the objects since they are no longer useful to you or can no longer be used by others. The things might not function properly or be in decent shape.

Then, it’s time to clean the garage entirely.

Start cleaning your garage from the top down.

Use a moist cloth to wipe down the cabinets. Use a sponge mop and laundry detergent to clean the garage walls. After that, dry it with a flat-head mop and a microfiber cloth. You may then proceed to the floor at that point. Sweep, mop, and hose it down.

You're lucky if there aren't any stains in the garage because all that may be required is some simple cleaning with baking soda and water. Use this cleaning solution to scrub the floor by mixing a half-cup of baking soda with a gallon of heated water. Hopefully, this will clean up the stains and filth in your garage.

You might also use water and laundry detergent to clean if you'd like.

Sort the things you want to keep.

Installing clever storage options in your garage will keep everything tidy, but it's not the least important step. When the right storage solutions are in place, clutter can be avoided with ease. Naturally, it depends on the items you plan to store in your garage. You'll adore the variety of storage possibilities offered by FlexiMounts.